what to expect in your six month of pregnancy

The sixth month of pregnancy is an exciting time as you anxiously await the arrival of your new baby. You may be feeling a mix of emotions, from excitement and anticipation to nerves and even a little bit of anxiety. It’s normal to feel this way and your emotions will probably be all over the place during this time. No doubt about those tummy moves these days: they are all baby, not wind. This month marks the last of the second trimester! Congratulations! 

What happens to your baby week by week

Week 23

This week your baby is starting to look more and more like a newborn. Your baby’s bones are beginning to harden, and his or her hair and nails are growing. The brain will continue to grow and develop at an amazing rate! By month’s end, your baby will be double the weight he or she is now.

Week 24

This week, your baby is about the size of a standard letter. By now, your baby’s tiny face is almost fully formed and achingly adorable. There is still no pigment in its hair but capillaries are forming under the skin and filling with blood.

Week 25

Your baby’s vocal cords are functioning now, leading to occasional hiccups. And its nostrils are starting to open up this week. Baby is growing by leaps and bounds, this week reaching 23 cm in length and around 750 grams in weight.

Week 26

Your baby’s eyes are beginning to open! The eyelids have been fused for the past few months so the retina could develop. The coloured part of the eye still doesn’t have much pigmentation, so it’s too early to start guessing your baby’s eye colour. 

Week 27

This week your baby reaches a length of 38cm! Your baby has more taste buds now than he or she will have at birth and beyond. Which means that not only is your baby able to taste the difference in the amniotic fluid when you eat different foods, he or she might even react to it. For instance some babies respond to spicy foods by hiccupping or kicking. 

What YOU may be feeling

The sixth month of pregnancy can be a time of many different symptoms. Some women feel great, while others may find themselves more uncomfortable than ever. It is important to be prepared for all of the different symptoms that can occur during this time so that you can be as comfortable as possible. If you have any concerns, be sure to speak to your doctor.

As your belly continues to grow, you may find that you need to urinate more often. This is perfectly normal, and it is nothing to be concerned about. However, if you find that you are urinating more than eight times in a day, you should see your doctor to make sure that you are not developing a urinary tract infection.


  • Hearty appetite 
  • More Definite fetal activity
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Heartburn, flatulence, bloating
  • Constipation
  • Backache and protruding navel
  • Stretch marks
  • Achiness in the lower abdomen and along the sides
  • Nasal congestion and occasional nosebleeds, ear stuffiness
  • Mild swelling of the ankles and feet, and occasionally of the hands and face. 
  • Sensitive gums that may bleed when you brush
  • Spider or varicose veins and/or haemorrhoids


  • Fewer Mood Swings.
  • Absentmindedness
  • Some anxiety or excitement about the future

What to expect during your six month’s check up

At your six month check-up, your doctor will probably ask how you’re feeling and if you have any concerns. They will also check your blood pressure and weight. If you haven’t already had it, you may also get a blood test to check for anaemia.

Your doctor will also want to feel your abdomen to check the baby’s position and size. You may also have an ultrasound to check on the baby’s development.

You will discuss your labour and delivery options with your doctor. You will also discuss any concerns you have about your pregnancy. If everything is going well, you will probably see your doctor again in two weeks. 

Overall, your six month check-up is just a routine check to make sure you and the baby are doing well. So relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!

Tips for your six month of pregnancy

You may be feeling more energetic and less sluggish than you did in the first trimester. However, you may also be dealing with some pregnancy-related discomforts, such as back pain, leg cramps, and constipation. Be sure to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet to keep your energy levels up.

There are a few things that can help you feel better during this time. Be sure to eat small, frequent meals and avoid spicy or fried foods. Try to get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids. If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a break and take some time for yourself.

It is also common to experience Braxton Hicks contractions during the sixth month of pregnancy. These are false labour pains, and they are caused by the uterus contracting and then relaxing. They can be quite discomforting, but they are not dangerous. If you are experiencing Braxton Hicks we recommend you to read this article: Understanding Braxton Hicks Contractions.

Sixth month pregnancy symptoms can vary from woman to woman. Some women will sail through this month with no problems, while others may find it to be a bit more challenging. 

Just remember to take things one day at a time and enjoy this special time in your life!

Would you like to know more about your pregnancy? Visit our Mumgazine YouTube channel!

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