Welcome to Mumgazine: Pioneering Parenthood One Family at a Time

“In every child’s laughter, a universe dances. In every parent’s hug, a world is embraced. You are the sculptors of tomorrows, shaping futures with hands guided by love. Remember, in the heart of parenthood lies the power to dream a thousand dreams for the ones who make our hearts beat louder. Let’s nurture these dreams, for in them lies the beauty of our shared destiny.”

by Mumgazine

Sustainable Parenting

Cultivating Joy: The Magic of Gardening for Children

Gardening is more than just caring for plants; it is about cultivating a love of nature, instilling curiosity, and planting the seeds of lifelong abilities. As parents, introducing our children to the world of gardening opens up a world of possibilities, where green thumbs lead to happy hearts.


Pregnancy and Woman

How much milk should my toddler drink per day

Toddlers need between 16 and 24 ounces of milk per day. That’s about two to …


Pregnancy and Woman

Bottle-feeding your toddler: everything you need to know

When you’re a new mom, there’s a lot to learn. One of the things you’ll …


Pregnancy and Woman

What to do when your toddler only wants milk from a bottle

If your toddler only wants milk in a bottle and not in a cup, there …


Pregnancy and Woman

The truth about toddler bottles: a candid and informative guide

As a mother, you want what is best for your child. You want to give …


Pregnancy and Woman

When is it time to give up the bottle?

It’s time to give up the bottle when your toddler is ready. You’ll know your …


Pregnancy and Woman

How to sleep a baby. From new-born to 3 months

It’s no secret that new-borns don’t sleep through the night. In fact, it’s pretty much …


Pregnancy and Woman

The benefits of swaddling your baby

Swaddling is an age-old practice of wrapping babies in blanket for warmth and comfort. It …


Pregnancy and Woman

New-born sleep equipment essentials

If you’re a new mom, chances are you’re not getting a lot of sleep. Don’t …



Mumgazine is more than just a website; it’s a movement. A call to action for parents everywhere to join hands in nurturing the next generation with love, respect, and mindfulness. Here, we weave a vibrant tapestry of cultures, celebrating the rich diversity of families around the globe, while exploring innovative ways to nurture, educate, and bond with our children. We have a revolutionary approach to parenting and community. We seek empowering parents with love, wisdom, and actionable insights.